Author Guideline

Script Writing Instructions (Times New Arabic Size 14, Bold, Maximum 14 Words, Arabic Font Sakkal Majalla Size 16)

First Author 1a,   Second Author 2b

1 Program Studi sastra Arab, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, Indonesia 

2 Program Pascasarjana,Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia

Email: a


Article abstracts must be in English, and contain general background/brief problems, the purpose of writing, methods used, and brief results of the research. Abstracts are written using Times New Arabic-11. Spacing between lines 1 space. The abstract contains 100-200 words and only consists of 1 paragraph.

Keywords: Keywords can be either single words or combinations of words, up to five words or phrases, without ending in a period. Keywords must be in alphabetical

1. Introduction

Contains background, rationale, and or research urgency. Novelty and state of the art (required to be explained in the introductory section), describing the literature survey, problems and objectives, as well as the usefulness of the research is written narratively in paragraphs, no need to be given a special subtitle. The introduction is written in Times New Arabic 12 upright, with Exactly 18 spacing. Each paragraph begins with a word indented about 1.25 cm from the left edge of each column. If the article is in Arabic, write it in a sakkal majalla-16 font, exactly 18 spacing.

2. Title, Name, and Address of Author

The title of the article, the author's name (without an academic degree), and the author's author's address are written in the center of the first page based on the title of the article. The distance between the title and the author's name is two spaces; While the distance between the author's address and the abstract title is a single space. Keywords should be written abstractly for each language. It is arranged alphabetically and separated by semicolons consisting of 3-5 words. 

If there is more than one author, every name of the beginning is numbered (numbers 1,2,3 and so on) and each author's name is separated by a comma (,). If the author's name consists of two words, the first name should not be abbreviated. If the author's name consists of only one word, write the original name in one word. However, the online version (HTML) will be written in two words consisting of the same name (repeatedly) for metadata indexation purposes.

3. Guidelines for Writing Manuscript

Manuscripts corresponding to the publication instructions of A Jamiy: Journal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab  (in MS Word format and this article template) should be submitted online, If there is any difficulty in sending the manuscript online, please contact email:

4. Article Writing Guidelines

Article Title:

The title of the article should be written briefly and clearly. It shows exactly the issues to be discussed and should not make misinterpretations. 


Article abstracts must be in English, contain general background/brief problems, purpose of writing, methods used, and brief results of the research. Abstracts are written using Times New Arabic-11. Spacing between lines 1 space. The abstract contains 100-200 words and only consists of 1 paragraph.


Contains background, rational, and or urgency of research. Novelty and state of the art (must be explained in the introductory section), Describing the survey of literature, Problems and objectives, and the usefulness of the research are written narratively in paragraphs, it is not necessary to give special subtitles. Similarly, the operational definition, Research Method if deemed necessary, is also written narratively. The introduction is written with Times New Arabic 12 upright, with a space of Exactly 18. Each paragraph begins with a word that juts inwards about 1.25 cm from the left edge of each column. If the article is in Arabic, it is written in the font sakkal majalla-16 spaces Exactly 20.


This method is written descriptively and must provide a statement regarding the research methodology. This method as much as possible provides an overview to the reader through the method used.

Results and Discussion

The discussion contains theory in the form of the results of a critical review of researchers on one or several theories related to the research problem. Theories can be taken from one theory or several theories which are combined eclectically. The decision must be based on academic arguments. This theory is in line with the main problem described. The theory cited must use a footnote and use Mendeley's citation application, Style Modern Humanities Research Association 3rd edition (note with bibliography)
Discussion and Results contain:
1. Deliver findings
2. Compare the findings with previous studies
3. Comparing results and theory
4. Answer what/how the objectives described in the introduction
Presentation of research results can be in the form of descriptions, tables or pictures accompanied by explanations, which are easy to read and understand by paying attention to general writing procedures. The results of research data analysis are discussed by interpreting research findings and explaining the implications of research results, including the limitations of research findings.
Example Table:

Tabel 1. Table Title






Isi tabel

Isi tabel

Isi tabel


Isi tabel

Isi tabel

Isi tabel



The conclusion is the meaning of the research findings which are written briefly, concisely, and clearly in the form of a paragraph by paragraph description, which is in accordance with the research objectives.


The referenced libraries are at least 25 libraries, with 80% composition being primary sources and should come from the results of research, ideas, theories or concepts that have been published in journals, both print and electronic. 20% of the references referred to from books are the result of publications in the last 10 years, with the exception of classical references (parent books) which are used as material for historical studies. 

The preparation of a Bibliography that follows standard techniques must be done in a standard and consistent manner. To maintain the consistency of the way it refers, citations and bibliography should use a Reference Manager application, such as Mendeley, or another application. Everything referenced in the article must be written in the bibliography and everything written in the bibliography must be referenced in the article. written with Times New Arabic 12 upright, with a space of Exactly 14.Some examples of how it is written:

Baruadi, Moh. Karmin. “Tradisi Sastra Dikili Dalam Pelaksanaan Upacara Adat Maulidan di Gorontalo.” El Harakah 17, no. 50 (2016): 1–21.

Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N. “Hula, “Genealogi Ortografi Arab (Sebuah Tinjauan Historis: Asal-Usul, Rumpun Bahasa Dan Rekaman Inskripsi).” `A Jamiy : Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra Arab 9, no. 1 (June 16, 2020): 16.

Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N. “Ortografi Alif Ziyadah Dalam Rasm Mushaf Madinah Pada SUrah Al-Baqarah,” 945–65. Malang: Jurusan Sastra Arab - Fakultas Sastra UniversitasNegeri Malang, 2020.

Al-Dalimi, Ahmad ’Amir Sultan, ‘Fannu Al-Iltifat Fu Qiraat Al-Sab’; Surah Al-Baqarah Anmuzaj’, 1 (2009), 1–20

5. Online Manuscript Delivery Guidelines

The manuscript should be submitted using one of the following ways (the second one is better):

1. The manuscript is submitted via Online Submission Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban,  portal: (

1. First, the author notes as the Writer and/or Reviewer (checks his role as Writer and/or Reviewer) in the "Register" menu or address:

1. After the author enters as Author, click "New Submission". There are 5 steps to submit articles, namely: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Additional Files, (5). Confirmation

2. On the Start menu, select Journal Section (Full Article) and check all checklists.

3. In the Upload Submission menu, upload the manuscript file in MS Word.

4. On the Enter Metadata menu, enter all Writer and affiliate data and followed by title, abstract, and indexing keywords.

5. On the Upload Supplementary Files menu, the author is allowed to upload supporting data files or cover letters or other documents.

6. On the Confirmation menu, click "Finish Submission" if all data is correct.

7. If the author finds difficulties in sending manuscripts through the online system, the manuscript can also be sent by E-mail to the team Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, ( However, this method is not recommended.